T Marka, which carries out activities for the Integrated Execution of Advertising, Promotion, Design, Production, Communication, Information and Consulting Works; has adopted following principles as an Integrated Management System Policy.
To ensure the balance of Integrity, Confidentiality and Accessibility, which are the three basic elements of Information Security in all activities carried out, and to protect these elements in all information assets,
Systematically managing the Integrated Management System risk analysis,
To meet all legal requirements and other obligations regarding Quality, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Customer Satisfaction and Information Security,
Carrying out works and providing uninterrupted services within the scope of Information Technologies Management System and Business Continuity Management System,
To keep customer satisfaction at the highest level,
Providing solutions to customers by examining complaints received from customers in an open, fair, objective and careful manner in accordance with the principle of confidentiality,
Adopting the principle that occupational health and safety improvement activities are the common responsibility of all employees,
Structuring to intervene in emergencies,
To be respectful to human and environment by focusing on protecting our natural environment,
Reducing waste, increasing the recycling rate, reducing the use of natural resources, leaving a more livable world for future generations.